Maceration and Ulceration of Wounds
Maceration of the skin is a common wound care problem. It causes discomfort and irritation and can lead to ulceration.
This breakdown of skin integrity is caused by an area of skin continually being wet for long periods of time. The area can become white in colouring and at times very painful.
Infection such as cellulitis could occur which your GP would be able to assist with antibiotics. Please refer to our blog “Cellulitis” for more information.
There are many reasons why this occurs:
- Oedema build-up of the area
- Surgical wounds
- Insect bites that become inflamed
- The breakdown of protein in the skin will actively damage what may be otherwise healthy tissue
After liaising with your GP, we recommend a program for 6 weeks of wound care with a lymphoedema review and treatment. Photos and measurements will be taken prior for reference of cares.