Lymphatic Care has a range of treatments to assist with lymphoedema. One of our treatments we recommend is our Compression pump. With this machine we are able to assist the flow of oedema to your nodes to both arms and legs.
A current medical history is required. If there is a history of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) this treatment is not recommended. Liaising with your GP prior would be advised.
Measurements of limbs are required prior to this treatment for our records and able to liaise with your GP with outcome.
For our first-time users we commence on a lighter pressure 30mmHg for 20 mins. Compression sleeves are 8 – 12 cell. The sleeve lightly pressures the limbs to boost blood circulation and keep lymph flowing through the body. Slowly the pressure and length of time is increased depending on the results of movement of fluid.
We recommend this treatment up to three treatments a week if recommended by GP. Lymphatic Care would be happy to answer any questions regarding this treatment. Please email or text your details and one of our friendly staff will contact you.