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Swelling. Swelling, or edema, in the feet and legs is something that should never be overlooked. If caught early, it may be treatable. It is usually a problem stemming from insufficient veins or lymphatic ducts. Elevation, compression stockings, water pills, decreased salt intake and a massage can help–especially in early stages. Swelling may also be early evidence of kidney or liver disease.
Cold feet. Cold feet is a symptom of arterial disease. Those inflicted with arterial disease are prone to injury, and healing is greatly delayed. Smoking is a big risk factor, and in smokers, it is not a matter of if but when arterial disease becomes evident. Raynaud’s disease presents itself through toes or fingers turning white, blue or red. It is an intolerance to cold temperatures for which patients must be aware of when exposed to cold weather/water. Raynaud’s phenomenon is sometimes associated with more serious autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma.