It is not uncommon for the feet or hands to become swollen when a person sits or stands for a long time in a hot environment. This swelling is called heat oedema. Heat oedema is a cutaneous condition characterized by dependent oedema from vasodilatory pooling. Heat causes the blood vessels to expand (dilate), so body fluid moves into the hands or legs by gravity.
This oedema can effect any stage of life including age and gender. Our older adults have an increased risk of heat oedema, especially if they have other medical conditions that affect their circulation.
Lymphatic Care recommends to keep cool, this can help to reduce the effects of heat oedema. Drink plenty of water. Wear loose-fitting clothing. If you’re out, stay in the shaded areas or air-conditioning. Keep swollen areas clean and moisturised.
Lymphatic Care also has available treatments to assist the management of oedema. These treatments can be found on our website www.lymphaticcare.org
Please feel free to contact our friendly staff for more information via email info.lymphaticcare@gmail.com or call us on 0410 032 335.